Topic choices:
Topic 1: Stories in Motion
This topic will focus on how dance can tell a story. It will teach children how to create and interpret stories through movement. The workshop will relate the student's composition and story telling/writing tools learned in their English class to creating choreography. Students will learn what some of the movements in our choreography mean and will come up with their own meaningful movements.
Topic: Math and Science Matters
This topic focuses on basic physics and numbers. This workshop is designed to introduce children to how choregraphers use numbers and music mathematically to create choreography and movement patters. Science topics will also integrate and teach the importance of knowing the human anatomy and gravity, which allows dancers to be ab;e to move through space.
The ideal months for BoSoma to do a residency are October, February, March, and April. However, we tailor our workshops to fit your school…what dates work best for you?
Target grades:
our most successful residency is a workshop for 3rd graders. We find that when the residency consists of a once-a-week workshops lasting 4 to 6 weeks, it is best to target one grade. However, our 1-week intensive residencies have the benefit of reaching the entire school of kindergartedn to 6th grade. BoSoma works with 20 to 50 students at a time. Please temember that BoSoma's worshops are completely tailored to what your school needs. We modify our workshops to fit your objectives.
Workshop Options:
Option 1: One Week Residency
BoSoma comes to the school for up to 5 consecutive days and works with students in every grade. During day one, each group of up to 50 students works with BoSoma for 45 minutes, with 15 minutes between each workshop to change groups. This rotation is repeated each day of the residency. The residency culminates with a 45-minute BoSoma performance during an all-school assembly.
Option 2: Four to Six Week Residency
BoSoma comes to the school once a week for 4-6 weeks and works with 1 grade for the entire residency. Becuase this residency usually culminates in part with a student performance, BoSoma prefers to limit the student groupsize to 30, although 20 is ideal. The number of student groups that participate determines how many hours per week BoSoma teaches workshops. (If there are 90 students in the 3rd grade, BoSoma will hold three 1-hour sesions each week. If there are 30 students in the 3rd grade, BoSoma will hold only one 1-hour seissions each week.) This residency culminates with a student performance in which each class group performs the piece they have created during the residency. BoSoma can perform 1 or 2 dance pieces in addition to the student performance.